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Intelligent Complete Solutions for Paper Production from Bellmer!

At this year’s Zellcheming Expo, Bellmer will once again be demonstrating its extensive portfolio of services for the paper industry and bioeconomy.

The focus topics at the Bellmer stand 148 in Hall North at the RheinMain CongressCenter Wiesbaden are intelligent complete solutions for the production process.

Intelligent complete solutions

Bellmer’s portfolio is comprehensive. The Bellmer TurboLine production lines range from stock preparation / approach flow to reeling. Take advantage of Bellmer’s know-how and first-hand information for the individual modernization of your production or for questions about the manufacturing process.

Components such as the TurboJetter headbox are convincing in numerous installations.

In addition to the headbox and the dewatering elements, a breast roll shaker offers you the opportunity to have a lasting positive influence on the formation and other paper properties. The TurboShaker with high shaking frequency and low energy consumption is available here.

The specialists for shoe presses and calenders will also be represented at the Bellmer stand this year. Energy consumption is a key factor in paper production. As a competent member of the Bellmer Group on this topic, Bellmer’s Air & Steam Systems division will also be present in Wiesbaden this year.

Optimum solid/liquid separation in the production process

The specialists for separation technology and the Bellmer Kufferath team are your competent partners for optimized, sustainable mechanical treatment of water and wastewater streams.

In a best practice presentation, Rüdiger Kühner will explain the possibilities in this area in more detail.