ABB Web Inspection Systems Upgraded Successfully
Papertech, a member of the IBS Paper Performance Group, has developed a simple and
economical way for upgrading existing ABB Web Inspection Systems (WIS). The solution is
based on the proven and constantly improved WebInspector® WIS technology, providing
customers with maximum confidence regarding the availability of spare parts and service. Using
existing components reduces costs, complexity and the associated application engineering
As part of the upgrade, Papertech’s matrix or linescan cameras seamlessly replace the existing
cameras and processing cards. While the existing lighting can be retained, it is advisable to
upgrade to the slim and energy-efficient WebLED lighting technology, which operates with low
power consumption and high output, requiring no active cooling. This streamlined approach not
only simplifies installation but also substantially decreases energy consumption and maintenance
Papertech’s WebInspector® is based on non-proprietary camera and processor technology. With
hundreds of WebInspector® WIS units in operation around the world, customers have achieved
excellent results in paper quality control on all types of paper grades using Papertech’s advanced
AI neural network based defect analysis and classification.
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