Home » Press Releases » Grupo Gondi Orders Voith’s OnCare.Asset System for its Paper Mill

Grupo Gondi Orders Voith’s OnCare.Asset System for its Paper Mill

Grupo Gondi has ordered Voith’s OnCare.Asset workforce management software for its new PM 7 paper machine, which is currently being built in its paper packaging mill in Guadalupe, Nuevo León, Mexico.

Work on the system is already under way, and it is scheduled to be in operation in early 2020 (Q1). Once OnCare.Asset is installed, the level of data collection at the site will be the highest possible, and the mill operators will be able to understand their operation far better. OnCare.Asset will analyze the collection of new information and offer suggestions to optimize maintenance activities on a component-by-component basis.

“With OnCare.Asset, we will benefit from reduced administrative efforts and extremely user-friendly software that will help us lower our operating and maintenance costs,” said Oscar Hernández, COO, Grupo Gondi. “It allows us to easily monitor the performance levels of a variety of our paper machine components and provides us with information which we will use to develop appropriate maintenance plans.”

For Grupo Gondi, ease of use was highly important to gather, organize and analyze performance information to understand the mill’s maintenance needs. In particular, Grupo Gondi found that OnCare.Asset’s intuitive controls and user-friendly database management interface meant that even employees with limited database expertise could also utilize the system.

“We’re pleased to partner with Grupo Gondi on this installation. OnCare.Asset will easily facilitate the maintenance management of this paper mill – from planning, servicing and documentation through cost control, to spare parts management,” said Jeff Gorges, Vice President Service Business.

The OnCare.Asset service and software solution offers reliable monitoring of key performance indicators and then points out needed maintenance activities. The software application was developed by maintenance specialists in the paper industry and offers an easy-to-operate user interface, clear functions and a high usability.

Working with limited maintenance data can lead to inefficient processes, unneeded administrative effort and diminishing availability of the mill. OnCare.Asset enables paper mills to collect and process data in a centralized software solution which delivers data transparency.

“OnCare.Asset is proactive, preventive and predictive, and as a full-line supplier we are focused on fine-tuning it for the expectations of the paper industry,” said Tomas Jutbo, Director Reliability Solutions, Voith. “For example, we are also including a CMMS package that’s designed specifically with paper industry data points. This CMMS data is pre-populated with machine hierarchies and maintenance information that’s based on paper industry needs.”

To integrate the system, OnCare.Asset will be added to Grupo Gondi’s office network, allowing it to easily connect and interface with other applications operated by the paper mill. For those without such a robust network, Voith offers its own cloud-based system, OnCumulus, which is based on open-source and highly standardized technologies.

For more information about OnCare.Asset, please visit http://voith.com/corp-en/products-services/automation-digital-solutions/oncare.html.