Under New Management: IFPTA


For several years, TAPPI has been providing association management services to selected member-led organizations of various sizes throughout the forest products industries. In addition to providing professional staff and administrative support, TAPPI supplies a wide range of assistance to these associations, including strategic leadership, financial management, event planning, member relations, marketing and communications, program development, and information technology services.

In January, TAPPI began providing association management services to the International Forest Products Transport Association (IFPTA). This development is the result of both associations recognizing a strategic direction that is in sync with the other, supporting the expansion of services from both organizations into other functional areas.

While TAPPI provides management services and support, IFPTA will maintain its autonomy as a separate entity, determining strategic and operational direction. Both organizations will work together to set annual and long-range goals, which will include activities and programs to achieve objectives.

IFPTA was established in 1982 as an organization for professionals within global forest products logistics and related industries. IFPTA provides a networking framework that encourages communication and innovation across all roles and participants in the forest products supply chain. IFPTA produces a monthly newsletter (IFPTA Insider), a quarterly publication (IFPTA Journal), regional seminars, and co-organizes the biennial PPI Transport Symposium in conjunction with RISI. More information is available at www.ifpta.org.

TAPPI Reaccredited as ANSI Standards Developer
TAPPI has again been reaccredited as an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standards Developer. ANSI is the United States’ representative to the International Standards Organization (ISO). As an ANSI Standards Developer, TAPPI Standards can become American National Standards, which can, in turn, be elevated to ISO Standards.

TAPPI initially became an ANSI accredited Standards Developer in 2009 and completed its first audit in 2012. For the current audit period, which began in June of 2017, five standards were audited and the association’s Standards Guidelines were rigorously reviewed. The initial audit report contained several recommended changes to procedures that were made with guidance from and approval by the Quality & Standards Management Committee (QSMC), which oversees the TAPPI Standards and TIPs programs.

TAPPI Standards & TIPs are written and reviewed by volunteers from nearly every TAPPI Division. TAPPI has 250 Standards and 303 TIPs, with more being developed on a regular basis. Our volunteers are passionate about these products, and the value that they provide to the industry. For information on Standards and TIPs, as well as how to become involved in the development process, contact [email protected].

On the Bookshelf: Advances in Papermaking Wet End Chemistry Application Technologies
Editors: Martin A. Hubbe & Scott Rosencrance

This is an authoritative textbook describing some of the most important advances in papermaking wet-end chemistry applications technologies in past decades. It highlights ways in which recent progress in equipment, automation, and procedures are providing improvements in papermaking efficiency as well as the uniformity and end-use performance of the products.

This practical publication covers technology from multiple companies and academic sources in a fair-minded way, with emphasis on selected areas of advancement of technology related to new classes of equipment, new ways of using chemical additives, and principles of how things work.

Chapters include:
• Control and optimization of retention
• Drainage strategies and micro- or nanoparticle systems
• Microbial control strategies
• Optimization of dry strength additives
• Enzymatic technology for wet-end implementation

Visit www.tappi.org/bookstore